zpravodaj ČSKI - březen 2006 [ pdf ]
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datum: 23.3.2006 v 9:00
název: Concept and Sensor Networks
přednášející: Jan Šmíd (Bowie State University, Maryland, USA)
místo konání: UI, 2.patro, místnost č.318

souhrn: In this talk I will introduce a project titled "Concept and Sensor Networks (CSN) and its expanded version (CSRN) that includes active actuators such as robots." The purpose of the project is to develop a framework for entities that can process sensor information into concepts. One of the features of this proposed network is the ability for the entities to use language communication to exchange concepts. These entities can potentially represent concepts, knowledge and information using different kinds of semantics. To further this project, the proposed framework of physical and virtual sensors is being developed. In this talk, I overview the key components of the project and the current status.