zpravodaj ČSKI - červen 2005 [ pdf ]
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datum: 16.6.2005 v 16:00
název: Trust in Internet
přednášející: Christel Kumbruck (University of Bremen, Germany)
místo konání: Masarykova kolej v Dejvicích

souhrn: The tutorial deals with the following topics:
I. Trust building
- Trust -- why is it important?
- The conditions of trust
- Trust in people and trust in systems -- Giddens concept of trust building
- Socio-technical system approach -- people, organisation, technique
- Typical dangers in Internet in opposition to paper mediated or face-to-face communication
- Conditions of trust building in Internet
II. Trust building in Internet -- state of the art
- Socio-psychological approach
- Approach of Computer Science
III. Sociotechnical solution: the concept TrustCaps